#4. B-Rad about to smash the washy lip..
B-rad and I made our way up on Sunday for a Random Trip to Gore Bay for couple of nights. For the 3 days we were there we had The Bay to ourselves and very sunny days i might add, unfortunately it wasn't pumping but we managed to get some good glassy morning surf's with fast 2ft waves breaking on finger tip water. "Solid"
B-rad and I made our way up on Sunday for a Random Trip to Gore Bay for couple of nights. For the 3 days we were there we had The Bay to ourselves and very sunny days i might add, unfortunately it wasn't pumping but we managed to get some good glassy morning surf's with fast 2ft waves breaking on finger tip water. "Solid"
"Switch Foot".. The Brad Movie COMING SOON.
- Footage B-rad carving it up at Gore Bay.
Hey sweet shots nikki, heard there was a bit of swell at the 'G' on sun.. how was mangas? I bet L.C. would have loved those conditions, shes, been a bit neglected these days..
Had a sweet photo shoot today tho, so shes feeling special!!!
Cheers Bretty! Yeah there was ay, but the conditions wern't the best so it was abit messy.
L.C. is special Full Stop! I hope your treating her right.
Talen was going well for B-Rad on the trip, Chase was giving me a good old time aswell.
hey nice header update rimezie, but lets get some more shots of the water, u guys hit it more than i do!!1
oh check it out this weekend was boat tripping madness!!!
Hey. Cheers Bretty! Yeah just waiting for some good swell to hit so the photo's are worth putting up in my EPIC blog..
Yeah heard you guys were down there.. Good TIMES! get some photo's up on your FAMOUS blog
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